Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Disjunctive Syllogism


  1. Exam: 
    1. If you didn't do as well as you would have liked 
    2. (a) what was your attendance record? Did you take advantage of office hours and review sessions?
    3. (b) What percentage of the homework did you complete?
    4. (c) What can I do to help? 
  2. Disjunctive Syllogism and 'v' Introduction.
  3. Proofs

Surprising Results!!!!
Students who scored less than 80% on the test also had 80% or lower attendance rates. The lower the score, the lower the attendance rate. It's almost as though the two are related...
  1. If you didn't do as well as you would have liked: 
  2. (a) what was your attendance record? Did you take advantage of office hours and review sessions?
  3. (b) What percentage of the homework did you complete?
  4. (c) What can I do to help? 

Disjunctive Syllogism 
Basic Rule: 
  1. PvQ              A
  2. ~P/~Q          A
  3. Q/P              DS
In natural language: 
  1. Either you want PIZZA or you want QUOLA.
  2. You don't want PIZZA/You don't want QUOLA.
  3. You want QUOLA/You want PIZZA.
Adding complexity (but same rule):
  1. (P&Q)v(P>Q)  A
  2. ~(P>Q)             A
  3. P&Q                 DS
  1. ((A<>~B)>(C>~B))v~((~DvC)>(C<~~D))      A
  2. what would I need in order to derive                A
  3. ((A<>~B)>(C>~B))                                          DS
Fun Activity!!!
In your groups create at least two natural language arguments using DS then symbolize it.

'v' Introduction
Basic Rule:
  1. P                                                  A
  2. PvQ (where Q can be anything) v Int
B. Let's kick it up a notch....BAAAM!!
  1. P                                        A
  2. Pv(P<>((~Q>R)&(SvT))  vInt
In natural language:
  1. I'm going to study LOGIC tonight.                 A
  2. I'm going to study LOGIC tonight or I'm going to order a PIZZA, drink BEER, and WATCH Trailer Park Boys.                                                       vInt
Fun Activity!!!
In your groups create at least 2 vInt arguments in natural language then symbolize it.

  1. P
  2. (PvQ)>R   /R
  1. (A&B)
  2. (C>E)>~((A&B)v(~C>D))   /:. (C>E)
  1. (~P<>Q)&~R
  2. (((~P<>Q)&~R)v(((~T&S)v~P>~T)<>((S&U)>V)v(~T<>R)))>P
  3. P>Q                /:. Q
  1. (A>B)v(~C&D)
  2. ~(A>B)   /:.  ~C

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Introduction to Biconditionals and Disjunctions

  1. Quiz
  2. Biconditional Proofs

  1. ~P>R
  2. (P>~Q)>~R    
  3. P>~Q     /:. P<>~Q
  1. Unless you BRUSH your teeth and SHOWER you shouldn't WRESTLE with me.
  2. If you neither did the HOMEWORK nor came to OFFICE hours you're going to have a BAD time.
  3. You should PANIC only if you don't know how to do MODUS ponens and modus TOLLENS.

Setting Up Proofs with Biconditional (Biconditional Strategy)

You will use this method anytime a biconditional is the bottom line unjustified line of your proof. Think of <> as & for two >s. In other words, I going to have to do two proofs: one proof for one direction and one for the other.
Suppose you have to solve for P<>Q. P<>Q is logically equivalent to P>Q & Q>P. This means in order to prove P<>Q I'm going to have to do two proofs: one for P>Q and one for Q>P then I can put them together using <>Int.

Step 1: Write P<>Q at the bottom of your proof.

x. P<>Q

Step 2: I know that P<>Q is the same as P>Q and Q>P. Scan the given assumptions above to see if I'm given either of the conditionals. If I'm not given any then I'm going to set up two proofs: one for P>Q and one for Q>P. If one of the two conditionals is given to me in the assumptions then I only need to set up a proof for the conditional not given in the assumptions.

e. Q>P
m. P>Q
x. P<>Q        <>Int e, m

Step 3: Now that I've set up my proof I go about independently solving for both P>Q and Q>P beginning with CP as we've learned from previous lessons.

a.    Q    ACP
d.    P     ____
e. Q>P  CP a, d
f.    P    ACP
l.    Q  ____
m. P>Q  CP f, l
x. P<>Q  <>Int. e, m.

Proofs with <> + MP, MT, DN, &Int, &Elim, CP
  1. ~P>R
  2. (P>~Q)>~R    
  3. P>~Q     /:. P<>~Q
  1. P&~Q  /:. P<>~Q
  1. ~(C&~B)>~A    /:. (A&~B)<>A
  1. (S>R)&~R
  2. (~S>Q)&P
  3. P>R        /:.  (P&Q)<>(~S>R)
  1. (C<>~D)&C
  2. B<>~A      /:.  (A>~B)&(C&~D)
  1. ~S>(~Q&R)
  2. S>~(P>~Q)    /:.  ((P>~Q)&R)<>~S

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Review: Proofs with MP, MT, &Int, &Elim, DN, and CP


  1. If you're having trouble with anything we've done so far please see me during office hours so I can help you. Shatzel Hall Rm 340, M&F after class. 
  2. Quiz
  3. Review of MP, MT, Denying the Antecedent, Affirming the Consequent.
  4. Review of Translations.
  5. Review of Proofs.
A. Translate the argument, name the argument structure and say whether it's valid. If it's invalid, make it valid.

Argument 1
  1.  If Jerry DRINKS too much he won't WAKE up for work on time.
  2.  Jerry didn't WAKE up for work on time.
  3.  Therefore, Jerry DRANK (translate same as DRINKS) too much. 
Argument 2
  1.  Unless you're the JESUS of logic then you should PRACTICE a bit of logic every day and see AMI for help.
  2.  You're not the JESUS of logic.
  3.  You should PRACTICE a bit of logic every day and see AMI for help.
B. Proof
  1. T>~S
  2. (~T&P)>(Q>~R)  /:.  (S&P)>(Q>~R)

Review of MP, MT, Denying the Antecedent, and Affirming the Consequent
A. Construct a conditional argument and give that argument in each of the above formats.

Review of Translations
A. You'll get this RIGHT only if you STUDIED.
B. Unless you STUDIED you won't get this RIGHT.
C. If you get this RIGHT then you STUDIED.
D. If you don't get this RIGHT then you neither STUDIED nor UNDERSTOOD it, moreover you should be CONCERNED if you didn't get it RIGHT.

Do You Haz Proofs?
  1. (B&C)>A
  2. ~(B&C)>(~D>C)
  3. ~A>B
  4. ~E>~B   /:. ~A>(~D>(C&E))
  1. (~P&R)>T
  2. S>~(Q&R)   /:.  (~P&Q)>(R>(~S&T))

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Intermediate Translations for '&' and '>'

  1. If you don't understand anything up to and including CP rule you need to come to my office hours so I can help you. Coming for help after Spring Break will be too late since we're going to be learning even more rules...and the old ones will still be in play.
  2. Any questions about the HW?
  3. Intermediate translations with '&' and '>'. 
  4. Proofs.
Logically Equivalent to '&'
1. The following words are all translated as '&': 
  • Although
  • However
  • But
  • Nevertheless
  • Yet
  • Despite
  • As well as
a. I want ABS but I really want to eat DONUTS. = A&D
b. Bob thinks he's a GOOD student despite never DOING well. 
c. Although I understand the HOMEWORK, I didn't do well on the TEST.
d. Despite getting his MACROS right Bob couldn't make any GAINS.
e. She works hard for the MONEY but he never treats her RIGHT. 

2. Fancy stuff: Neither P nor Q= ~P&~Q
a. Neither BOB nor ALICE are going downtown. = ~B&~A
b. Although the students PROMISED they'd do it they neither brought me COOKIES nor DONUTS. 
c. Neither MARK nor AMI will study for me however I'm a BIG boy/girl and I can STUDY by myself.

Logical Cousins with 'If'
If P then Q; Q if P = P>Q. Rule: Whatever immediately follows the 'if' comes first.
P only if Q; Only if Q, P = ~Q>~P. Rule: Whatever follows 'only if' is negated then put first, the other proposition is negated and put after the '>'.
Unless P, Q; Q unless P = ~P>Q. Rule: Whatever follows 'unless' is negated and put first. Think of 'unless' as 'if not P'.

Easy Examples
a. I'll HELP you with your logic only if you bring me COOKIES.
b. Unless you go to the CHOPPA you'll get shot.
c. Only if you give me a large COFFEE will I go to LOGIC.
d. He won't stop DANCING unless we turn off the MUSIC.
e. Dicapprio will be HAPPY if he wins an ACADEMY Award.
f. If I close my EYES it will all remain UNCHANGED.
g. Don't TURN yourself around unless you do the HOKEY-pokey.
h. My ANACONDA don't want none unless you got BUNS hun.

Intermediate Translations with '&' and '>'.
a. I'll HELP you with your logic only if you bring me COOKIES and DONUTS.
b. If neither MARK nor AMI understand something then it's UNINTELLIGIBLE.
c. Unless I understand how to do CP proof I should should go see AMI for help and if I don't understand MP I'm not going to do well on the TEST.
d. My ANACONDA don't want none unless you got BUNS hun and if you don't got BUNS then you should SQUAT.
e. If you have neither BUNS nor DONUTS my ANACONDA don't want none.

Translate the Argument and Solve the Proof

A species has the capacity for EMPATHY only if it can take the PERSPECTIVE of others and unless you have a concept of SELF you can't take another's PERSPECTIVE. Therefore, if a species is capable of EMPATHY is will have a concept of SELF as well as the ability to take the PERSPECTIVE of others.

  1. ~(A&B)>(C>D)
  2. E>~(C>D)
  3. ~F>~(~G&A)    /:. (E&~G)>F

How to Translate:
Translation song: 
Two step, two step,
Two step, two step,
Now go on and two step, now go on and two step
Now go on and two step, now go on and two step
Now get jiggy wit' it, now get jiggy wit' it
Now get jiggy wit' it, now get jiggy wit' it